Friday, June 22, 2018

1.00 Welcome to Lucky Palms

Frogsnack's Wishacy: Everet's Lucky or Not

Everet, a young man with 20 days left in his young adult life (ten sim years people) drops a small bag inside the flimsy door of his new one-bedroom ranch and strides right back outside to have a look around, not sure if he's running from something or towards something by being here. He's used to the dry, desert heat and the lack of lush green life, but there's something much more oppressive about the sun's radiation here in Lucky Palms. A place hotter than most other deserts, but where a Born Salesman sim like himself can surely get ahead with nobody being the wiser.

At least when he slips up and gets the occasional sunburn he'll have plenty of aloe to treat himself with. It seems to be the only thing that grows here without assistance.

But this is as good of a place to lay low in as any, and he's more than ready to put other people's trouble behind him and finally start living for himself. Leon knows where he went, which is still one too many people, and as long as that idiot keeps quiet about things then the whole mess back home will finally start to blow over.

In another life he might have stayed to fight it even, become an investigative journalist like his father and turned on the violent Starlight Shores gangs, taking down one soldier at a time in grand public spectacle, but this was not that life.

In this life, he was simply wanted as an informant, by both sides, and the rebel in him simply did not want to play along.

First thing to do here is reinforce that sense of rebellious freedom. A game of kicky bag outta do it. He is a rebellious sim, after all.

Oh yeah here's the house on the inside.

Super small and uncomplicated. Just how he wants his life to be for once. Plus, he took so little money with him that it'll be anybody's guess where he went and a while before it's discovered that he's not just on a vacation. If he wanted he could have moved with 120,000 simoleons or more as his parents had left him half of everything, but he'd taken just the bare minimum, enough to put a downpayment on this property. 16,500. Besides, Leon has his family to think about, so the ret can stay with he and Maria back home.

He reminds himself that it's okay to suck at kicky bag in the beginning. Then again he is a Commitment Issues sim, so we'll see how long he's willing to stick to this new hobby.

Totally fiiiine.

Now that the sun is up a little, let's get some of the day's wishes settled!

#1 Get a job in the political career. Okaaay.. I thought you were running from attention over here. We'll do that shortly.

#2 Practice Golf Swing. Doing that now (didn't know it gave you athletic!)

#3 Buy a Motorcycle! Okay, lock it in, you're rebellious, uhhh... they cost 4,600. That may take a while! But being easily impressed, as he is, this may be all he needs to have to feel his freedom firsthand.

#4 Learn Charisma Skill. That's right, he's a Charismatic Sim too.

#5 Travel to the future! Maybe!

Maybe hit the ball in the right direction first. Baby steps into infinity.


#6 Text Amos Ananda, the Mascot. Got it, done.

#7 Buy a Street Art kit like the rebel that he is, done.

#8 Throw a party.

#10 Become friends with someone (He is the kind of sim to wish for nothing more in life than having say, 20 or so close confidants?). Locked it in for later.

Uhh, okay. Let me read this book first, he thinks. Books always come before throwing parties.

And the newspaper. There is a posting for a Political starter job, Ballot counter, sweet! Nabbed it.

#10 Buy a... buffet table, for the party. Okay!

...Aren't you going to wish to serve the food? D:

No? Alright, moving on...

Just to spite the buffet table that he himself wanted to buy, he makes a plate of coleslaw for his guests.

#11 Throw a great party! Fat chance of that you have no money left! I mean, okay, let's try... make a friend at least. Hey look I (the author) finally know what it means to meet a vanilla face! Amos Ananda our mascot is exactly that.

So I give him some freckles and defining features. No first friend of Everet's is going to be a pudding cup!

Didn't realize these two things conflicted. Great!

But we rolled a wish, Amos, and I don't care what you don't like about him! Not even an alien invasion will stop this friendship from happening, you got it!?

Now is time for the B-roll.

Lucky Palms!

Where a whole turkey will go from fresh to bad in about three hours!

Oh yeah Amos stayed over night after everyone else left. They look a bit bromancy here, don't they? But basically the photo interaction was spammed by these two enough times it nearly interfered with Everet getting to work at his new job on time. Day one!!

Well, here's the tally! Yesterday Everet earned 3,559 Lifetime Happiness Points (LHP). Not a bad start. Money is... uhh.. it sucks.

He rushes off to count ballots when there's no election happening. What's he really supposed to be doing? City Hall certainly has a commanding presence here.

Here are today's wishes!
#1 Break the Distance Record at the Driving Range! (Okay saved for later)

#2 Have 5 friends! (Okay please spend all day meeting everyone at work)

#3 Change Jobs! (Okay wait whut.) He met everyone at work, so I switched the job to 'work hard' and he rolled this. xD Job must suuuck!

Meanwhile the town needed another role sim so I added my favorite TOT duo, the Sol sisters. I built this crazy lot years ago with lots of cheats, the Taos Pueblo from my Test of Time Challenge. Looks nice in town :3 Which is good, I'm never building something like this again! 

Work is over, and so is that previous driving record!

Now to find better work!

Thinking big-picture, Everet has no time to notice a small mess like this. It'll probably become mulch in a few days in this heat, right?

And I notice this craziness at the park.

At 11:30 at night.

It's enough to drive a rebellious sim to tears to see a cause getting so much support.

But he's too busy to go into town right now.

Gotta make a single pbnj to eat right in front of the sun-seasoned turkey.


And I send him to the bathroom.

To talk to himself. Gotta get that charisma up. He gets it up two points before I cancel the interaction.

After which he heads to his last day of work at City hall, where he rolls the following wishes;
# 1 Buy a dryer (hah, no thank you and no budget)
# 2 Go To the Summer festival (locked in)
# 3 Travel Abroad (not enough space to lock in)
# 4 Invite a sim over (no space)
# 5 Learn social networking skill (locked in, I can text people he's met to make more friends, so that'll be great!
#6 Visit theater (no time nor space)

And then it's a short trip over to this building, to start a new career in business. Sahara Corporate Towers. Which is not soon enough as he only has 475 simoleans to his name on day 3. But they had openings for paper pushers, so progress!

#7 He wishes afterwards to throw a party...

But Everet's already on the way to the park. Carpeted in grass, it's the coolest place in town right now that's still open to the sky. For a while he forgets all his worries...

There's nobody here trying to arrest him for anything, alleged or unalleged,

And the first thing he needs to do is stuff his face.

Three grown men against a little girl. What could possibly go wrong here?



Wait. Whut. Again. Guess he stopped to enjoy the moment a little too much.

May as well have a few more. The runner up gets what he can take home in his belly!

And so much


So of course he needs to wash the taste of hot-dog-bile out of his mouth with a plate of chili fries. So much for all that healthy coleslaw back at home.

This little sharp-sounding monster complains while he eats the whole time.

And this monster we have yet to meet! (Okay full disclosure she's not a monster but I don't have time for all this) 

Welcome to Lucky Palms, everybody!


Alternate title: Everet Gets Beat By a Girl.

(Everet's actually been amazing, doing the dishes every day and cleaning the toilet and shower every three or so! Way neater than a rebellious sim should be! Lize taught him well!)

For those who may be wondering, Everet is from the Sparrow Random Legacy story.


  1. Kicky bag! You rebel, you. Man's got some nerve.
    Tbh I never tried that golf thing, don't even know what EP this is from.

    You're lucky that he's so neat, I only played a Wishacy very briefly but my house looked like a dumpsite until everyone collectively wished to buy a Bonehilda coffin!
    Yay, you met the vanilla face! Good makeover job, I didn't realize he's a guy in the first pic lol
    Also cool bromance pic :fistbump:

    I actually locked in that travel to the future wish that inevitably comes up after the portal appears. Caused the rest of my (attempt at a)wishacy to become very ITF oriented, with bot building, advanced tech, legacy statues and what not.

    1. I was so happy I gave him that bag and the golf thing, that way he's doig more than just watching tv or whatever for stress relief. Where's your blog? Have I seem it, or did you not blog it?
      (That's what I was worried about with the ITF wish, although it makes me sad that it's like a pandora's box that won't be opened again (unless maybe rebuying the portal would make the wish pop back)
      It's a really fun & unique way to play so far, but so boring writing down his freakin wishes... :/ (I may change it up later and not post those). Anyways thanks for the prodding to post!

  2. That's your first time meeting a pudding? Tbh they don't look bad, it's just seeing the same face over and over again.

    I like the Pueblo! How many people can live in it?

    Hey she's a growing little girl, of course she's going to win. :P

    Wow, Everet is such a good wishacy sim so far! Hopefully he'll wish romance soon.

    1. I think I just suck at recognizing pudding face, I never realized the game did that before, so it shows you how much I play with townies.

      the Pueblo can fit well over a dozen sims. It's in my sims3 store studio here:
      It's got the Sol sisters in it so you'll have to kick them out. I forget the number of bedrooms, maybe six? And I've played it a LOT so people don't really get in each others way too much. It's not a perfectly flat lot though, dips down a bit.

      So far the wishacy itself is fun to play, but it can stagnate without new items to generate wishes- I learned that if I want to get him a new hobby I can generally buy the hobby item and he'll roll about them.
      Thank you very much for commenting, it's helps me want to keep going!
